This website emerged as a project linked to the Clinical Masterclass entitled “How to manage patellofemoral pain – Understanding the multifactorial nature and treatment options”.
Due to their extensive contribution to the area, researchers Simon Lack, Bradley Neal, Danilo de Oliveira Silva, and Christian Barton were invited by the Physical Therapy in Sport journal to develop this publication in 2018.
The website was created as a complement to the Clinical Masterclass, with the goals of facilitating the rapid adoption of the Clinical Masterclass guidelines into clinical practice and providing therapists with the best and most up-to-date evidence-based information on patellofemoral pain.
After its development, the website has been improved with the contribution of a group of researchers and clinicians with extensive experience in patellofemoral pain area. To find out more about this process and who are the people and institutions involved, check out the information below:
TREK stands for Translating Research Evidence and Knowledge. Additionally, the English language definition for TREK is ‘a long and arduous journey’ – making it a very appropriate name for a movement tackling the difficult challenge of knowledge translation. TREK emerged with the aim of creating and making available multimedia resources that are engaging and easy to access and understand, to facilitate the translation of scientific knowledge for both patients and therapists.
The TREK group was founded by Dr Christian Barton (La Trobe University’s Sport and Exercise Medicine Research Centre in Melbourne, Australia).
Currently, Dr Danilo de Oliveira Silva is the TREK’s Development Director.
Dr Danilo de Oliveira Silva
Dr Danilo de Oliveira Silva is BPhty (Hons), MSc, and PhD in Physiotherapy. Currently, he is a Research Fellow at La Trobe University, in Melbourne, Australia. Also, he is the Development Director of the Translating Research Evidence and Knowledge (TREK), and the mind behind the idea of creating this toolkit.
Social media: Twitter: @DrDanilo_Silva; Instagram: @drdanilo_silva; Research Gate: Danilo De Oliveira Silva
Dr Christian Barton
Dr Christian Barton is BPhty (Hons) and PhD in Physiotherapy. Currently, he is the Clinical Director and Physiotherapist at Complete.Physio Exercise Performance and Post-Doctoral Researcher at La Trobe Sport and Exercise Medicine Research Centre. Also, he is the founder of the Translating Research Evidence and Knowledge (TREK).
Social Media: Twitter: @DrChrisBarton
Dr Amanda Schenatto Ferreira
Dr Amanda Ferreira is BPhty (Hons), MSc and PhD in Physiotherapy. She specializes in the design of multimedia resources (infographics, animated videos, interactive interviews) to bridge the gap between what is produced in the academic area and what is implemented in clinical practice.
Social media: Twitter: @amandaschenatto; Instagram: @amandaschenatto; Research Gate: Amanda Schenatto Ferreira
Dr Simon Lack
Dr Simon Lack graduated from Queen Mary University in 2011 with a Masters in Sports and Exercise Medicine and completed his PhD in 2017 on the topic of Patellofemoral Pain. Currently, he leads the MSc Sports and Exercise Medicine programme, at the Queen Mary University of London, in London, United Kingdom.
Social media: Twitter: @simonthephysio
Dr Bradley Neal
Dr Bradley Neal completed his MSc at the University of Hertfordshire in 2011, followed by his PhD in 2019 within Sports & Exercise Medicine at Queen Mary University of London. Currently, he is a Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist and Head of Research at Pure Sports Medicine, London’s leading private Sports Medicine clinic, alongside his post as a Research Fellow post at Queen Mary University of London, in London, United Kingdom.
Social Media: Twitter: @DrBradNeal
We would like to thank all the clinicians and researchers who were directly involved in the development of this website, especially the following for creating our video resources:
- Dr. Adam Culvenor
- Dr. Brooke Patterson
- Dr. David Bazett-Jones
- Dr. Jade Tan
- Dr. Harvi Hart
- Dr. Narelle Wyndow
- Dr. Marcella Pazzinatto
- Dr. Erin Macri
- Dr. Neal Glaviano
Check out other important information below:
These resources are not intended to serve as a prescribed standard of medical care. Standards of care are determined on the basis of all clinical data available for an individual patient and are subject to change as scientific knowledge and technology advance and patterns of care evolve. These resources have been developed to inform practice and should be considered guidance only. Following advice on this site will not ensure a successful outcome in every patient, nor should it be construed as including all proper methods of care or excluding other acceptable methods of care aimed at the same results. The ultimate judgment regarding a particular clinical procedure or treatment plan must be made by the clinician, based on clinician experience, expertise and in light of the clinical presentation of the patient, the available evidence, available diagnostic and treatment options, and the patient’s values, expectations, and preferences.
This website is a non-profit initiative of the La Trobe University and the Queen Mary University of London, with the support of TREK.
TREK is a not-for-profit initiative with the goal of improving knowledge translation. TREK has received a small number of anonymous donations to assist with the set up and maintenance of this website and other initiatives.
Would you like to make a suggestion, comment, or get in touch with a member of the TREK group?
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